After incorporation, company directors are required by laws to ensure that the company is in compliance with the ongoing statutory requirements.

Appointment of Company Secretary

Every Singapore registered company must appoint at least an individual as its company secretary to assist the company and its directors in compliance matters.

Company directors are responsible to appoint a person who must be a Singapore resident with the required knowledge and expertise to discharge the duties as a company secretary.

Basically, the function of the company secretary is to handle all the corporate paperwork and procedural matters of a company.

At Azec Worldlink, we provide corporate secretarial services to start-up companies, small and medium enterprises and multi-national corporations to assist them in complying with various statutory requirements. The corporate secretarial services include but not limited to:

  • Setting up and maintaining statutory registers and minute books
  • Provide a qualified person as named company secretary
  • Prepare relevant resolutions, documents and return for approval and filing with the authorities
  • Facilitate change in company
    • company name,
    • business activities,
    • registered office address,
    • constitution,
    • directors and other officers,
    • auditor,
    • authorized signatories and/or approved personnel for company’s bank account(s),
    • shareholders/members,
    • share capital structure, such as increase or transfer
  • Attend meetings of directors, committees and members and prepare relevant minutes of meetings
  • Remind company on annual general meetings and annual return filings due date
  • Dissolution


If you are not happy with the fee or services provided by the existing secretarial agent or for whatever reasons, you wish to change secretarial agent; you may submit your enquiry to us. We will contact you with a view to assist you in your compliance requirements.